Mox Invest

Don’t let the unknowns of
investing hold you back

Core Portfolio Headline
Core Portfolio Headline
Core Portfolio KV
Core Portfolio KV

Many people find the idea of investing intimidating. They may feel they don't have the expertise or time to keep up with it all. But that does not need to be the case.
With Mox Invest, trading is intuitive and easy.

Mox Invest.
Where Smart Meets Simple

Core Portfolio-icon

A diversified portfolio, personalised to your goals and risk profile, with ongoing monitoring and recommendations for your peace of mind.

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Core Portfolio
With Core Portfolio, we do the investing, while you do the living³
With Core Portfolio, we do the investing, while you do the living³

With Core Portfolio, we do the investing, while you do the living³

  • Take a quick risk assessment, and we'll recommend you a Core Portfolio of diversified funds that aims to meet your financial needs
  • We do the daily monitoring for you and you’ll get automatic notifications for portfolio rebalancing recommendations based on your risk profile
  • Managing your wealth easily through Mox at a low entry point of USD 100¹. No subscription or redemption fees will be charged, and you can enjoy a waiver of advisory fee² ⁴
Start investing in funds with as little as HKD 1¹
Start investing in funds with as little as HKD 1¹

Start investing in funds with as little as HKD 1¹

  • Get going with as little as HKD 1¹
  • No subscription or redemption fees
Buy fractions of U.S. stocks⁵ - You decide how much to invest. Break free from entry barriers
Buy fractions of U.S. stocks⁵ - You decide how much to invest. Break free from entry barriers

Buy fractions of U.S. stocks⁵ - You decide how much to invest. Break free from entry barriers

  • Mox supports U.S. fractional and whole-share stock trading
  • Trade with share-based or dollar-based investing
  • Choose the amount you want to invest with fractional shares
  • Diversify your portfolio with a range of stocks available

Core Portfolio Funds HK / U.S. stocks
No subscription nor redemption fee² No subscription nor redemption fee² 0.12% HK stock trading commission (minimum HKD 30)
Advisory fee of 1% p.a. on your daily portfolio value

Limited offer

Enjoy 0 advisory fee now⁴
No advisory / monthly fee USD 0.01 per share U.S. stock trading commission (minimum USD 5)
USD 1 fixed trading commission for a U.S. fractional share trade (less than 1 share)
Core Portfolio Funds HK / U.S. stocks
No subscription nor redemption fee² No subscription nor redemption fee² 0.12% HK stock trading commission (minimum HKD 30)
Advisory fee of 1% p.a. on your daily portfolio value

Limited offer

Enjoy 0 advisory fee now⁴
No advisory / monthly fee USD 0.01 per share U.S. stock trading commission (minimum USD 5)
USD 1 fixed trading commission for a U.S. fractional share trade (less than 1 share)
Use Mox Invest and earn up to 5,000 Miles
Use Mox Invest and earn up to 5,000 Miles

Use Mox Invest and earn up to 5,000 Miles

Selected customers can have the exciting opportunity to earn up to 5,000 Asia Miles by trading with Mox Invest from now until 30 March 2025.

Investment involves risks. T&Cs apply.

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Investing is more rewarding with Mox
Investing is more rewarding with Mox

Investing is more rewarding with Mox

Successfully accumulate at least HKD25,000 equivalent in transactions each month with Mox Invest to enjoy a total savings rate of up to 3% p.a.^ for your HKD or USD savings.

Eligible transactions include:

  • Buy or Sell HK stocks;
  • Buy or Sell US stocks;
  • Buy or Sell ETFs;
  • Net purchase of Mutual Funds/Core Portfolio*

*Based on the investment amount when the order is successfully submitted.

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Invest with the support of a trusted bank

Manage, move and use your money instantly with all the advantages of a digital bank.

Earn daily interest on idle funds in your investment account. Save or reinvest - it's up to you.

Get quotes quickly - with real-time info to manage your investment portfolio with ease.

Awarded World's Best Bank by Forbes and Best Digital-Only Bank in Hong Kong by The Asia Banker Awards, 2023.

4.8⁶ – Top rated digital banking app for Hong Kong in the Apple App Store⁷.

Are you ready to start investing? Open your Mox Invest Account today⁸!

Fast, real-time account opening process⁹. No additional documents¹⁰. It’s easy!

Download Mox App now
Download Mox App now
Important Notes
  • Investment involves risks. The prices of securities (including any investment funds units constituting a portfolio) fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, and the worst case may result in loss of your entire investment amount. The performance and return of any investments are not guaranteed.
  • Past performance is not indicative of future performance. You should refer to the offering documentation of the product(s) for detailed information (including risk factors) prior to investing in the product(s).
  • Crypto and Crypto-related products are highly complex products that carry a significant level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
  • Derivatives products are different from conventional investments and may involve different risks. Derivatives products may not be suitable for all investors.
  • You should consider your own investment objectives, investment experience, financial situation, and risk tolerance level and carefully read the Mox Invest Terms and Conditions (including relevant risk disclosures) before making any investment decision.
  • If you have any queries on the nature and risks involved in the information displayed on this document and the relevant product(s) and services, you should seek advice from independent advisers, such as legal, tax, financial and accounting advisers.
  • The information contained in this document is intended for Hong Kong residents only and should not be construed as a distribution, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such activities would be unlawful pursuant to the laws of such jurisdiction. If you are outside of Hong Kong, we may not be authorised to offer or provide you with the products and services in the country or region you are located or resident in.
  • The document does not constitute investment advice nor any offer, solicitation, recommendation or guarantee in respect of, or for the purpose of, the sale of any investment products or services.
  • The contents of this document have been prepared without regard to the investment objectives, investment experience, financial situation, and risk tolerance level of any particular person or entity.
  • This document provides summary level information only in respect of investments. Please refer to the Mox Invest Terms and Conditions (including relevant risk disclosures) for more details of our services as well as the offering documents for the nature and risks of the relevant products.
  • This document is issued by Mox Bank Limited. The contents of this document have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.

Mox Bank Limited is a Registered Institution under the Securities and Future Ordinance (CE number: BNO808)

Important Disclaimer for Currency Exchange Transaction(s) (FX Transaction(s)) :
This document does not constitute any offer or solicitation to buy or sell any currencies. Please note that currency exchange involve risks. You may incur losses arising as a result of carrying out currency exchanges on the Mox app (including as a result of exchange rate fluctuations). You acknowledge that you carry out currency conversions on the Mox app entirely for your own account and at your own risk.

^Invest Bonus Rate Promotion (March 2025) Terms and Conditions apply. If the requirement is completed on the last day of the calendar month, you will not be credited any additional savings rate the next calendar day. Please see terms and conditions for details.
¹Refer to applicable fund documentation for details. Other fees, including as charged by the fund manager, will apply.
²For details, please refer to the Fees and Charges section in the Mox app or on the Mox website.
³Please refer to Terms and Conditions for Mox Invest (Mox Invest Schedule to the General Terms and Conditions) (also referred to as Schedule 4 to the General Terms and Conditions) including relevant 'Core Portfolio Risk Disclosure Statement' for the summary of some of the features and risks of core portfolio service.
Mox Invest Advisory Fee Promotion Terms and Conditions apply.
⁵Refers to purchase or sale of a US fractional share, for which a minimum trading commission of USD 1 applies (plus applicable regulatory charges), in addition to (or against) the purchase (or sale) price of the share. For more details on fractional shares, refer to the Mox Invest Terms and Conditions. For details of fees and charges, refer to the relevant Fees and Charges section in the Mox app or on the Mox website.
⁶Mox Bank's rating from the App Store (as of 24 November 2023).
⁷As of 24 November 2023, based on the ranking of Mox Bank in the App Store (iPhone) (the top free app, in the Finance app category). Mox was also the top app among all the HKMA authorised digital banks.
⁸Applicable Mox Invest T&Cs (including Mox Invest Schedule) apply.
⁹Real time account opening is subject to certain conditions and is not guaranteed.
¹⁰Depending on individual circumstances, additional documents may be required, such as proof of address, or a letter of consent from your employer if, for example, you are an employee of a licensed or registered person under the Securities and Futures Ordinance.