Get voucher code to save 50% on your flight ticket, no spending required!

Looking for the best deal for flight tickets? We've got your back! Open a Mox Account and apply for Mox Credit Card with the code “MOXTRIP”, and get 50% off on your flight ticket on Trip upon Mox Credit¹ approval. Don’t forget to register for the Selected Daily Merchants 3% Cash Reward Campaign in Mox app! Cash rewards will be credited directly to you in real cash, so, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your journey✈️!

Open a Mox Account and get 50% off on your flight ticket!
Open a Mox Account and get 50% off on your flight ticket!

Open a Mox Account and get 50% off on your flight ticket!

From now until 31 March 2025, open a Mox Account and apply for Mox Credit¹ with the code “MOXTRIP”, you’ll be rewarded with a Trip 50% off voucher code (max capped at HKD1,500, only applicable on flight ticket² order) upon Mox Credit approval. You can use the voucher code to purchase flight tickets when you check out with Mox Card on by 30 June 2025.

Register now: Earn extra 3% CashBack³ anywhere
Register now: Earn extra 3% CashBack³ anywhere

Register now: Earn extra 3% CashBack³ anywhere

Moreover, register for the Selected Daily Merchants extra 3% Cash Reward Campaign in Mox app! 3% CashBack up for grabs when you spend with Mox Credit at Trip! From travel bookings to daily necessities, earn while you spend with Mox!

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We’re Mox, a virtual bank backed by Standard Chartered, in partnership with HKT, PCCW and Our mission is to help everyone in Hong Kong grow – their money, their world, their possibilities.

Join us now to enjoy Smart Banking, Smart Saving, Smart Spending and Smart Investing.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Promotion period till 31 March 2025.

MOXTRIP Invitation Code Promotion Terms and Conditions apply.

Quota is limited and is offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

¹Our General Terms and Conditions (in particular, see Schedule 3) and the Mox Credit Key Facts Statement apply. 

²Mox Disclaimer applies.

³Clause 9 of Schedule 1 (Terms and Conditions for Accounts and Card Management) to the General Terms and Conditions (which can be found in the Mox app and/or on our website) applies. From 1 February until 31 March 2025, earn Cash Reward calculated at 3% on the amount of the eligible transaction made with Mox Credit at Selected Merchants of up to HKD150. Selected Merchants 3% Cash Reward Promotion Terms and Conditions applies.