All offers, products and services provided by the merchant(s) are subject to these disclaimers and terms, and any additional terms imposed by the merchant(s). These disclaimers and terms prevail if there is any inconsistency between them and any such additional terms imposed by the merchant(s).
Your use of our products and services (including your Mox Account and Mox Card) are subject to our other terms available in the Legal documents page of our website.
We accept no liability for the offers, products and related services as they are provided by the merchants.
All offers will run until the time specified by Mox or the merchant, unless we or the relevant merchant(s) notify you otherwise.
You cannot:
(a) exchange the offers for cash, other products, services or discounts, or transfer the offers to anyone else; or
(b) use any offer in conjunction with any other offer, promotion or discount.
We may:
(a) amend these disclaimers and terms without prior notice; and
(b) let a merchant determine any dispute relating to an offer, product or service provided by the merchant in connection with an offer or otherwise.
Information regarding any offer, product or service (including its terms of use) set out on our website or the Mox app is provided by the relevant merchant and is for reference only. Please contact the relevant merchant if you have any questions.
Last updated: 2 December 2020.