Savings rate

Our latest savings rate on HKD, USD and other currencies for Mox savings account

HKD savings base rate:

HKD savings deposit Tiered Interest Rate (p.a.)*
First HKD249,999.99 0.625%
Remaining balance: HKD250,000 or above 0.875%

USD savings base rate:

USD savings deposit Tiered Interest Rate (p.a.)*
First USD74,999.99 0.625%
USD75,000 – USD300,000 0.875%
Remaining balance over USD300,000 0.01%

Your other foreign currencies (AUD, CAD, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, SGD) earn 0.01% p.a. daily interest.

Interest will be calculated:

• for HKD, GBP and SGD, based on a 365-day year basis; and

• for all other currencies, based on a 360-day year basis.

^Our savings base rate is not applicable to any deposits held under a customer’s Time Deposit Account(s).

*Terms and conditions apply. For example, if your savings at Mox is HKD1,000,000, your first HKD249,999.99 will earn a daily savings base rate of 0.625% p.a., and the remaining HKD750,000.01 will earn a daily savings base rate of 0.875% p.a.

Saving interest rate has been effective since 23 December 2024.