Frequently asked questions

Additional Credit
What is Additional Credit and how is it different from my credit limit?
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Additional Credit is a pre-approved credit amount that can be used when you borrow with Mox Credit, which would only allow you to use such credit to apply for Instant Loan(s), Split Purchase(s) and Instant Clear(s). We call this "Additional Credit", while your original credit limit is for purchases of goods and/or services and/or to apply for loans with Mox Credit.

What can I use Additional Credit for?
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If we grant you Additional Credit, you may use it together with your Mox Credit “Available to Spend” to increase how much you can borrow. The Additional Credit we provide is a credit line only for borrowing(s) by way of Instant Loan(s), Split Purchase(s) and Instant Clear(s).

To be clear, you cannot use the Additional Credit for:

  • direct purchases, payments or other transactions made using your Mox Card; or
  • cash advances.
Do I need to apply for Additional Credit?
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You do not need to apply for Additional Credit.

Borrowing with Additional Credit is no different than borrowing with Mox Credit as usual. Using Additional Credit for your borrowing simply enables you to borrow more than allowable by your Mox Credit “Available to Spend”.

How do I borrow with Additional Credit?
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When the amount you want to borrow is higher than your “Available to Spend”, your Additional Credit will be automatically used to allow this loan application.

Upon approval of your loan, the loan will be set up and your monthly instalments will begin charging to your Mox Credit statement and you can simply repay your Mox Credit statement balance on or before statement due date. Once that Instant Loan is repaid in full and you don’t have other active Instant Loan(s) that is above your available credit limit, your Additional Credit will expire.

I want to apply for an Instant Loan amount that falls within my available credit limit. Would I still be able to use Additional Credit?
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No, Additional Credit will only be used when you tell us you want to borrow a loan amount more than your Mox Credit “Available to Spend”.

What is a “Borrow up to” amount? How is it calculated?
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"Borrow up to" amount is the maximum amount you could borrow with Mox Credit. You can find your "Borrow up to" amount in the Mox app, which is the total amount of your “Available to Spend” and the Additional Credit. Please note that we will always account for a buffer to allow you to continue spending on Mox Credit, so you may not borrow up to the maximum amount.

The “Borrow up to” amount may change due to:

  • changes to your “Available to Spend” as you use Mox Credit for other transactions or loans, or repay Mox Credit;
  • changes to your Credit Limit;
  • changes to your eligibility to Additional Credit, or its pre-approved amount, which we may change from time to time based on regular review of your credit status
Can I further increase the pre-approved amount of my Additional Credit?
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No, your eligibility to Additional Credit and its pre-approved amount may change from time to time, based on regular review of your credit status. After our review, if your Additional Credit has increased, you may be able to borrow a higher amount.

In the mean time, you may increase how much you can borrow by repaying your Mox Credit outstanding balance (or a portion thereof) to increase your “Available to Spend”.

If I am granted Additional Credit, how will it impact my “Available to Spend”?
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The Additional Credit we provide is only for borrowing(s) by way of Instant Loan(s), Split Purchase(s) and Instant Clear(s).

Once your Instant Loan application has been approved by us, your ‘Available to Spend’ balance and Additional Credit (if applicable) for Mox Credit will be reduced by an amount equal to the total repayment amount (which includes the aggregate of all monthly instalments and the one-off fee (if applicable) payable for the Instant Loan). Your ‘Available to Spend’ balance or Additional Credit (if applicable) for Mox Credit will be restored progressively as you repay your Instant Loan.

If I have the option to: increase my credit limit or use my Additional Credit, can I opt for both?
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Yes, but if you have accepted the credit limit increase offer and such increase is equal to or more than the maximum Additional Credit offered, you will not have the option to use your Additional Credit anymore.

Why don’t I need to submit additional supporting documents when I use my Additional Credit?
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You do not need to submit additional documents as you may have been selected to use Additional Credit based on a number of positive indicators such as your credit score and the information you shared with us.

I heard from my friends that they were offered Additional Credit. Can I also apply for the same?
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No, you can’t. Customers who receive Additional Credit have been carefully selected based on a number of factors such as their credit score and the information they have shared with us.

Your eligibility to Additional Credit may change from time to time, based on regular review of your credit status.

If I have booked an Instant Loan in order to use my Additional Credit, can I repay the Instant Loan early?
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Yes, but an early repayment fee of 2% of all remaining principal of your Instant Loan outstanding will be charged to Mox Credit if you repay your entire Instant Loan early. You can refer to the Instant Loan Key Facts Statement and Fees and Charges section in the Mox app/website.

Are the fees and charges different for Additional Credit?
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No, it’s the fees and charges that applies to an Instant Loan.

The monthly payment and interest amount are displayed in the Mox app when you apply for an Instant Loan, which depends on the loan amount and tenor you requested. You could refer to the Instant Loan Key Facts Statement and Fees and Charges section in the Mox app/website.

My “Available to Spend” amount has been reduced after my Additional Credit was used. Why is this?
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After a regular review process, we may decrease your available Additional Credit. With this reduction of your Additional Credit, your “Available to Spend” for further spending or borrowing on Mox Credit has also been reduced. You will not be able to make further spending or borrowing larger than your “Available to Spend”.

If I use my Additional Credit, will it affect my credit score?
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Additional Credit is part of Mox Credit, we regularly report your information with us to credit reference agencies such as your Mox Credit repayments and credit limit.

Will Additional Credit utilise my current Mox credit limit?
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Additional Credit is different from your available credit limit. You may use your Additional Credit together with your Mox Credit available credit limit to increase how much you can borrow.

How to calculate my Mox Credit available credit limit, after repaying my Additional Credit?
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Your Mox Credit available credit limit depends on:

  • your usage of Mox Credit for other transactions or loans, or repay Mox Credit;
  • changes to your Credit Limit;
  • changes to your eligibility to Additional Credit, which we may change from time to time based on regular review of your credit status.
My “Available to Spend” amount and/or credit limit hasn’t been restored after I’ve repaid my Mox Credit. Why is this?
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Your eligibility to Additional Credit and “Available to Spend” may change from time to time, based on regular review of your credit status.

You may also elect to early repay your loan(s) by repaying your outstanding principal in its entirety in order to restore your “Available to Spend”.

Once you have repaid, the latest amount of “Available to Spend” / available credit limit will be shown in your Mox app.

Mox Credit Transfer
Will I be charged any fees for transferring money from my Mox Credit?
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A handling fee is chargeable on any Mox Credit transfer amount(s) which exceeds the specified monthly threshold – each of which (the fee and threshold) may be changed by Mox from time to time.

Each Mox Credit transfers, once settled or completed, would be cumulated and counted towards the specified monthly threshold in each calendar month.

From time to time, there may be promotional waivers (in whole or in part) of the handling fee – please refer to our website and/or the Mox app for details.

In addition, any transfer of money from your Mox Credit will be effected and processed as a Mox Credit transaction. Therefore, the other interest, fees and charges applicable to Mox Credit and Mox Credit transactions. Please refer to the latest Mox Credit Key Facts Statement and the fees and charges section (on our website and/ or the Mox app) for further details.

What kind of transfers from Mox Credit will be counted towards the monthly threshold?
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Transfers counted towards the monthly threshold are those from your Mox Credit to another Mox user or any other non-Mox Hong Kong bank account or other FPS “Participants”.

Please note: any automatic or recurring payment(s) made from or using Mox Credit will be counted towards the monthly threshold as well.

FPS “Participants” (as defined in clause 9 of the Terms and Conditions for Payments and Transfers (Schedule 2 of the General Terms and Conditions)) means a participant of HKICL FPS which may be a bank or other financial institution, a retail payment system operator, a licensed stored value facility, or any other person accepted by HKICL as a participant of HKICL FPS from time to time.

Can I make payments using Mox Credit even after I ‘Flip’ my Mox Card to spend from my Mox Account or lock my Mox Card?
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Yes, you can still transfer money or make bill payments from Mox Credit using your Mox app after you ‘Flip’ your Mox Card (so that it is linked to your Mox Account) or lock your Mox Card.

The Mox Card lock and ‘Flip’ features only impact spending on your Mox Card (i.e. they do not impact payments through the ‘Transfer’ or ‘Pay bills’ functions in the Mox app).

‘Flipping’ your Mox Card from Mox Credit to your Mox Account will mean that all new Mox Card spending processed through MasterCard network will be taken from your Mox Account.

If you lock your Mox Card, you won't be able to make Mox Card transactions (physical or online, with Mox Credit or from your Mox Account), but you can still transfer money or make bill payments from Mox Credit using your Mox app.

Is transferring money from my Mox Credit a cash advance?
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No, transferring money from your Mox Credit to another Mox customer or any other non-Mox Hong Kong bank account is not a cash advance.

Will those pre-set recurring payments instructions that chosen Mox Credit as a debit source be counted towards the monthly threshold after Excess Fund Transfer Handling Fee becoming effective?
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After Excess Fund Transfer Handling Fee becoming effective, recurring payment that is using Mox Credit as a debit source will also be counted towards the monthly threshold. If the recurring payment exceeds the monthly threshold at the time of execution, a handing fee will be charged on the excess amount and billed to Mox Credit.

Where can I find my personalised monthly threshold for the free transfer by Mox Credit?
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On the account selection screen, you will be able to find your personalised monthly threshold at the bottom of the page.

Where can I find out about my free limit transfer via Mox Credit?
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The monthly threshold will be displayed in your Mox app when you are about to choose the debit source for the fund transfer.

Will recurring payments instructions debited from my Mox Credit be counted towards the monthly threshold?
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Recurring payment that is debited from your Mox Credit will also be counted towards the monthly threshold. If the recurring payment exceeds the monthly threshold at the time of execution, a handing fee will be charged on the excess amount and billed to Mox Credit. For details on the monthly threshold and the handling fee, please refer to your Mox app.

Why was my Mox Credit account disabled and unable to be used as a debit source for transfers, even though I have a sufficient available balance?
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Whether you can transfer money using your Mox Credit depends on multiple factors. You may be restricted to use Mox Credit to make transfer even if there is available balance in your Mox Credit account.

How do I know if my transfer via Mox Credit will trigger the Excess Fund Transfer Handling fee?
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If the transfer that you make via Mox Credit would trigger a handling fee, you will be notified in your Mox app before you agree to proceed, the fee details including the percentage rate that is charged on the transfer and the exact amount of the handling fee.

What factors contribute to determining my monthly threshold and the associated handling fee?
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The determination of the monthly threshold for free transfer and the associated handling fee considers a range of factors, including but not limited to account status, repayment history and spending on the Mox card.

Mox Credit application
What will happen to my existing Mox Card if my Mox Credit application is approved?
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Once your Mox Credit application is approved, your Mox Card will be converted into Mox Credit immediately. This means you can use your Mox Card to spend with Mox Credit, instead of using your Mox Card to debit from your Mox Account. We will not issue you a new card.

Your account number for Mox Credit will be your 16 digit Mox Card number. This means that all your spending, subscriptions (e.g. gym membership etc.) and recurring payments will be charged to Mox Credit instead of your Mox Account.

All the CashBack you earn from eligible transactions on Mox Credit will be credited to your Mox Account.

For local and overseas JETCO or Mastercard ATM withdrawal, you can select to withdraw money on debit from your Mox Account or by obtaining a cash advance* on Mox Credit.

Note*: Please refer to the Key Facts Statement for Mox Credit on the Mox app and our website for details of the interest, fees and charges applicable to cash advances on Mox Credit.

What should I do if I successfully open a Mox Account but my Mox Credit application is either unsuccessful or under review?
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Whether your Mox Credit application is unsuccessful or you’re still waiting for a decision, you can spend and withdraw cash by using your Mox Card to debit from your Mox Account.

While your Mox Credit application is under review, all your spending, subscriptions (e.g. gym membership etc.) and recurring payments will be charged to your Mox Account and all the CashBack you earn from eligible transactions will be credited to your Mox Account.

If you want to withdraw cash from your Mox Account, you can do so at more than 2,000 JETCO ATMs in Hong Kong and overseas, or at over 2.6 million ATMs worldwide that accept Mastercard.

How long does it take to approve my Mox Credit application?
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You’ll receive a decision on your Mox Credit application instantly. We will either tell you your application has been approved, rejected or that we need more time or documents from you.

Once your Mox Credit application is approved, Mox Credit is ready to use right away.

In some cases, we may need more time, or we may require additional information from you in order to process your Mox Credit application. The approval time for Mox Credit is subject to a customer’s individual circumstances.

To track your Mox Credit application status, go to the ‘Credit’ tab in the Mox app.

Am I eligible to apply for Mox Credit if I’m not employed?
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Yes, you can still apply for Mox Credit if you are not employed. We might ask you to provide additional documents to process your Mox Credit application. We prudently evaluate each Mox Credit application based on a number of criteria such as income levels, occupation, and credit history.

Why was my Mox Credit application unsuccessful?
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We’re sorry that your Mox Credit application was unsuccessful. The good news is that you can continue to use your Mox Card to debit from your Mox Account.

We prudently evaluate each Mox Credit application based on a number of criteria such as income levels, occupation, and credit history. Please contact us through in-app call or live chat in the Mox app if you have any queries regarding your Mox Credit application.

If I apply for both a Mox Account and Mox Credit, will I be accepted only on Mox Credit?
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No, in order to have Mox Credit you must also have a Mox Account. We’ll process your Mox Credit application immediately after your Mox Account is approved and opened.

What kind of documents are acceptable as an income, asset or address proof?
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If additional documents are required to process your Mox Credit application, we’ll show you the acceptable criteria for the documents we require in the Mox app.

If I don’t have the required document with me to complete my Mox Credit application, can I upload the document later?
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Yes, you can simply return to the Mox app to upload your document(s) within 24 days from the date you applied for Mox Credit.

My Mox Credit application has just been approved. Do I need to do anything to activate Mox Credit or change the settings of my Mox Card in my digital wallet?
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If you’ve already activated your physical Mox Card and added your Mox Card to a digital wallet then you don’t need to do anything. All your spending, subscriptions (e.g. gym membership etc.) and recurring payments will be charged to Mox Credit. Same card, new use!

If you haven’t activated your physical Mox Card or linked it to a digital wallet yet, we encourage you to do so. Once you do so, your physical Mox Card and digital wallet will be linked to Mox Credit automatically.

Can I close my Mox Account but keep Mox Credit?
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No, you can’t. To use Mox Credit, you must have a Mox Account.

Transaction on Mox Credit
What does the transaction status - ‘pending’ and ‘confirmed’ mean?
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After each purchase, the transaction will be at ‘pending’ status. This means transaction is received and amount is on hold but not settled by merchant. Usually, it takes 1-2 business days for the transaction to be settled by merchant and the status will change to ‘completed’.

For transactions from your Mox Credit, when the transaction status is shown as ‘pending’, your ‘Available to spend’ will be reduced by the transaction amount, and your ‘Credit’ spent’ will be increased by the same amount. For transactions from your Mox Account, your Mox account balance will be reduced.

Sometimes the transaction amount can be different at settlement. In this scenario, your ‘Available to spend’ and ‘Credit spent’ for Mox Credit or your Mox account balance for transactions from Mox Account will be updated when transaction is settled. For example, this is common for transactions at hotel. When transaction is on hold as per reservation fee and final payment may change based on your actual spending and merchant will use the same transaction to update the final fee. Hence, transaction amount at ‘pending’ and ‘completed’ can be different.

Transaction failed but it is appeared as ‘pending’ in the Mox app. What does this mean? How and when will it be refunded?
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When the transaction failed but is shown as ‘pending’, it means the transaction attempt was received by us. The merchant usually settles the transaction within 1-2 business days. Once the failed transaction is settled, the status will be updated to ‘cancelled’ and the transaction amount will be refunded to your Mox Account or Mox Credit.

Repayment, fee and statement
Why is the account number of Mox Credit not printed on my statement?
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To protect your privacy, we don't show your account number on your Mox Credit statement. To view your Mox Card details on your Mox app, you can:

  1. Tap ‘View details’ on the home screen
  2. Choose ‘View card number’ on the Mox Card
How can I view my Mox Credit statement?
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To view your Mox Credit statement in the Mox app, you can:

  1. Select the 'Credit’ tab
  2. Click into your Mox Credit account details and tap the ‘View Statements’ button

We’ll also send a push notification to you when your Mox Credit statement is available.

How can I request a Mox Credit paper statement?
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Save the planet and view and download your statements from the Mox app where possible.

If you’d like to receive paper statements, please contact us via in-app call or live chat in the Mox app. A fee of HKD50 per statement applies (deducted from your Mox Account).

How can I pay my Mox Credit?
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You can pay your Mox Credit from your Mox Account each time, or set up a recurring payment rule to pay your Mox Credit from your Mox Account.

To pay your Mox Credit, you can:

  1. Select the ‘Credit’ tab
  2. Click into Mox Credit account details
  3. Tap ‘Pay’ to initiate your repayment and follow the onscreen instructions

To set up a recurring repayment rule to pay your Mox Credit, you can:

  1. Select the ‘Credit’ tab
  2. Click into Mox Credit account details
  3. Tap ‘Add a recurring payment rule’ to initiate your repayment and follow the onscreen instructions

Friendly reminder: You can also select any date and repay any amount you wish when setting up a recurring payment rule for your Mox Credit.

How much and when do I need to pay my Mox Credit to avoid incurring interest?
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Simply pay your Mox Credit ‘Statement balance’ on or before the Payment Due Date, both of which are shown on your Mox Credit statement, to avoid incurring interest.

Why should I care about my Minimum Amount Due?
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The Minimum Amount Due is the minimum amount you need to pay us so you can keep spending on Mox Credit. If it’s overdue we may need to report this to the credit bureau, and restrict how you can use the accounts you have with us.

To learn how we calculate your Minimum Amount Due please refer to the Key Facts Statement for Mox Credit on the Mox app and our website or repayment calculator in the Mox app.

What do I need to do if I’ve set up direct debit authorisation (DDA) from external banks to my Mox Account, but my Mox Card number has been changed?
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If you’ve set up a direct debit authorisation (DDA) to your Mox Account, there would be no impact to the DDA you have previously set up because your Mox Card number will not change if you have Mox Credit.

How can I cancel a recurring repayment from my Mox Account to Mox Credit?
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To cancel a recurring repayment from your Mox Account to Mox Credit, you can:

  1. Select the ‘Credit’ tab
  2. Click into Mox Credit account details
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions about recurring payment you have set up under ‘Rules’
  4. Tap ‘Remove'
How do I know if I’ve been charged interest?
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You can either check the ‘Activity’ list in the Mox app, or on your Mox Credit statement.

Friendly reminder: You can view the interest rates for different transaction categories on the Key Facts Statement for Mox Credit on the Mox app and our website.

What fees will I be charged for using Mox Credit, and where can I view the details of these fees?
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You can view the fees and charges applicable to Mox Credit on the ‘Fees and Charges’ section in the Mox app and on our website, as well as the Key Facts Statement for Mox Credit.

To check whether you’ve been charged a fee for using Mox Credit, either go to the ‘Activity’ list in the Mox app (to see real time the fees you have incurred), or look at your Mox Credit statement (to see the fees we have billed you).

Credit Limit
Where can I make a cash advance, and what’s my limit for cash advances?
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You can obtain a cash advance by withdrawing money at local and overseas JETCO and Mastercard ATMs using your Mox Card and selecting a ‘credit’ withdrawal on the ATM screen. The cash advance amount that you can acquire is up to your cash advance limit.

Friendly reminder: A cash advance fee of HKD100 will be applied to each cash advance transaction on Mox Credit. Interest per Mox Credit Key Facts Statement may also apply to your cash advance.

Can I transfer a positive Mox Credit balance to my Mox Account?
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Yes, you can do so by clicking into your Mox Credit account details page on the Mox app and tapping ‘Move positive balance’ to transfer your positive Mox Credit balance to your Mox Account.

Friendly reminder: You can only transfer your entire positive Mox Credit balance to your Mox Account at any given time.

What is the maximum credit limit I can get?
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Your maximum credit limit for Mox Credit depends on many factors, including your monthly income, occupation and credit record.

When can I apply for a credit limit increase for Mox Credit?
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If you want more flexibility with your credit line, you can apply for an increase to your credit limit for Mox Credit. You may be eligible to increase your credit limit by uploading income proof documents in the Mox app.

You will not be able to apply for a credit limit increase for Mox Credit if a previous credit limit increase application for Mox Credit has been approved or declined in the past 3 months.

What is the maximum credit limit I can apply for?
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You are not able to request a specific credit limit for Mox Credit in your credit limit increase application. We will conduct an assessment and assign a new credit limit to you if your application is successful.

If you would like to decrease the credit limit that we have assigned to you, please contact Mox’s Customer Care Team via:

  • In-app Live Chat or call
  • Call +852 2888 8228
  • E-mail
Am I eligible to apply for a credit limit increase if I am a student?
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Unfortunately, no.

If there is a change in your personal circumstances, please update them in the Mox app.

How long does it take Mox to assess my credit limit increase application?
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After you have submitted the required income proof documents in the Mox app, we will begin our review of your credit limit increase application. We’ll let you know your application result after we have completed this review – it usually takes us no longer than 2 business days.

If your credit limit increase application is approved, your new credit limit is applied to Mox Credit right away.

To track your credit limit increase application status, go to the ‘Mox Credit’ tab under Mox Card in the Mox app.

Am I required to upload documents when applying for a credit limit increase for Mox Credit?
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Yes, in order for us to assess your application to increase your credit limit for Mox Credit, we need some income proof documents from you. Your application and new credit limit are subject to our final approval.

What kind of documents are acceptable as an income proof?
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A bank statement from a local bank showing your salary transaction (that is not a joint account bank statement) or payslip are acceptable as income proof documents. You should make sure that all documents were issued within the last 2 months.

If my credit limit increase application is approved, can I then reduce it again?
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Yes, if you wish to reduce your credit limit for Mox Credit, please contact us through our in-app call or live chat.

HKT Autopay Switch
What is HKT Autopay Switch?
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HKT Autopay Switch allows you to conveniently update automatic payment of your HKT bills registered under your HKID number to Mox Credit by using the Mox app. Mox will submit, on your behalf, the instruction to HKT and its affiliates to update payment instructions.

How do I switch my HKT bills to Mox Credit?
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HKT Autopay Switch is only available to Mox Credit customers who have been paying their HKT bills automatically with other credit cards. In order to switch your HKT bills to Mox Credit:

  1. Click “View details” on the Mox Card in the Mox app, then press “Switch” under “HKT Autopay Switch”
  2. Authorise us to pass your information (e.g. HKID number and Mox Card details) to, and retrieve information (e.g. service accounts) from HKT
  3. Select the HKT services you would like to pay for with Mox Credit, and click “Next”.
  4. Review the account numbers match those you would like to switch, and click “Confirm”.

Upon completion, we will submit your request to HKT. Please allow 10 days for HKT to process your request. Your HKT service provider(s) will notify you once your instruction has been accepted and processed.

Friendly reminder: You can only submit another HKT Autopay Switch request in the Mox app 24 hours after your previous request. If you’ve any questions, please contact HKT at 1000.

Which of my HKT bills can I switch to Mox Credit using HKT Autopay Switch?
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At the moment, the HKT bills you can switch include those bills with:

  1. 1O1O
  2. csl
  4. Now TV
  5. HKT Home Phone (including IDD0060)
  6. HKT eye (including IDD0060)

Friendly reminder: Certain bills of these providers are not eligible for HKT Autopay Switch, as determined by HKT Group. For more details, please contact HKT at 1000.

I have clicked “Submit” on the Mox app for HKT Autopay Switch. Will my next bill be charged to Mox Credit?
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Mox will submit your completed request at the end of each business day to HKT. HKT will usually take 10 days to process your request. After the request is completed, your next bill will be charged to Mox Credit. If your next bill has already cut-off before receiving HKT’s confirmation, your next bill will be charged to Mox

For more information, please contact HKT at 1000

I’m a HKT Autopay Switch user. If I have lost or replaced my Mox Card, do I need to contact HKT?
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If you have replaced your Mox Card or been assigned a new Mox Card number, please contact HKT at 1000 to update your Mox Card information.

I’m a HKT Autopay Switch user. If I’ve cancelled Mox Credit or my Mox Account, what should I do about my affected HKT bills?
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In the event you have cancelled Mox Credit or your Mox Account, please contact HKT at 1000 to change your payment instructions to another credit card for each of your HKT services.

I’m a HKT Autopay Switch user. How could I cancel my HKT Autopay Switch request?
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Please contact HKT at 1000 to amend or cancel your HKT Autopay Switch request.

Split Purchase
When can I split a purchase on Mox Credit?
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If you want to pay for an eligible Mox Credit transaction of HKD400 or more in instalments you can apply to split that purchase. You can start a Split Purchase application by clicking ‘Split now’ under the Mox Credit transaction details, once the Split Purchase is approved and set up, an one-off fee (if applicable) and the monthly instalments are charged to your Mox Credit statement.

Or if you want to pay your eligible amounts of your Mox Credit statement balance of HKD2,000 or more in instalments you can apply to split that statement. You can apply to split your statement by clicking “Apply” next to Split Statement under the Credit tab, once the application is approved and set up, an one-off fee (if applicable) and the monthly instalments are charged to your Mox Credit statement.

Are all Mox Credit transactions eligible for Split Purchase?
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No, please refer to Part A of Schedule 3 to our General terms and conditions for examples of Mox Credit transactions that will not be eligible for Split Purchase.

You will see the “Split now” button in the Mox app under those Mox Credit transactions that are eligible for Split Purchase.

Can I apply for Split Purchase on only a partial amount of my Mox Credit transaction?
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No, we currently only allow applications for Split Purchase on the full amount of an eligible Mox Credit transaction.

Can I group multiple Mox Credit transactions which are over the minimum transaction amount eligible for a Split Purchase and apply for Split Purchase on that group of transactions?
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Yes, provided that each Mox Credit transaction you group is at least HKD400 and eligible for Split Purchase, and appears as ‘Completed’ in the Mox app (i.e. grouping is not available on ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transactions).

Can I apply for a Split Purchase on my Mox Card transactions from my Mox Account?
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No, Split Purchase is only available on eligible Mox Credit transactions.

Can I have multiple Split Purchases active at the same time? Is there any limit?
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Yes , you can have multiple Split Purchases, Instant Loans, Instant Clears and 0% Merchant Split Purchases active at the same time. We will display such limit (if applicable) in the Mox app. If you would like to split another purchase(s) on Mox Credit, you will need to repay one of your existing instantment loans early to close such loans before you apply for another Split Purchase.

Am I eligible to apply for a Split Purchase if I am unemployed / retired / a student?
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You can apply for a Split Purchase if you have Mox Credit. If there is a change in your personal circumstances, you should update them in the Mox app.

Can I apply for Split Purchase on a cash advance transaction?
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No, we do not support Split Purchases on cash advance transactions.

Can I apply for a Split Purchase if the transaction shows as ‘Pending’ in the Mox app?
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Except transfers or bill payments transactions, you may apply for a Split Purchase on an eligible Mox Credit transaction that shows as ‘Pending’ in the Mox app if the Split Purchase button appears next to that ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transaction in the Mox app.

If your Split Purchase on a ‘Pending’ transaction is approved, that relevant Mox Credit transaction will show as ‘Completed’ in the Mox app, and the Split Purchase will be set up straight away.

However, please note that you cannot group any ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transactions in an application for Split Purchase.

How long does it take to approve my Split Purchase application?
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Most of the time you’ll receive a decision on your Split Purchase application instantly. We will either tell you your application has been approved or rejected. If you application is approved and set up, we’ll charge the one-off fee (if applicable) for the Split Purchase to your Mox Credit straight away, and your eligible transaction(s) or eligible statement balance will be split into monthly instalments immediately (and the monthly instalments will be charged to your Mox Credit from the next month).

Am I required to upload documents for a Split Purchase?
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No, Split Purchase applications are either approved or declined based on information you have already provided us.

Can I change my loan amount or the number of months for the Split Purchase after it has been approved?
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No, you cannot change the loan amount (because it reflects the amount of the eligible Mox Credit transaction(s) or statement balance) or the number of months for the Split Purchase after you have submitted your application. Your application will be approved or rejected based on the number of months you have selected to split that eligible Mox Credit transaction(s) or statement balance.

We recommend that you carefully go through the details of the Split Purchase you are applying for on the ‘Confirmation page' before submitting your application.

You may however:

  • apply for another Split Purchase if you need; or
  • repay your Split Purchase early to close the Split Purchase (subject to an early repayment fee).
My Split Purchase has been approved on a ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transaction and I am waiting for the transaction to appear as ‘Completed’ in the Mox app. Do I need to do anything?
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No, you don’t need to do anything. The Split Purchase will only be set up once that transaction is settled by the merchant (and provided at the time of settlement, the transaction does not constitute an ineligible Mox Credit transaction (for example, it doesn’t yet show on your Mox Credit statement)). This may take up to 7 days. We’ll let you know once the Split purchase is set up.

Why was my Split Purchase on a ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transaction cancelled?
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A Split Purchase on a ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transaction will be cancelled if the merchant cancels the transaction, doesn’t settle the transaction within 7 days or settles the transaction for an amount that is different to what you paid, or the transaction shows on your Mox Credit statement. Please also see Part A of Schedule 3 to our General terms and conditions for other reasons that a Split Purchase may be cancelled by us.

If your Split Purchase on a ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transaction is cancelled for one of these reasons, you may apply again once the Mox Credit transaction has settled.

Will I be notified if my Split Purchase on a ‘Pending’ Mox Credit transaction is not set up?
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Yes, if your Split Purchase is not set up, it’s likely because the settlement amount of the Mox Credit transaction is not the same as authorised amount. Please also see Part A of Schedule 3 to our General terms and conditions for other reasons that a Split Purchase may be cancelled by us. If none of these apply to you, please contact customer support and we will do our best to assist you.

Why would my Split Purchase application be declined?
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We evaluate each Split Purchase application carefully and provide a decision accordingly. There are a few common reasons that your Split Purchase may be declined, including that:

the total amount of the eligible Mox Credit transaction(s) or statement balance and the interest and fees applicable to the Split Purchase would mean your credit limit for Mox Credit is exceeded; and your Mox Card or Mox Account is suspended or not in good standing.

When will the one-off fee applicable to my Split Purchase be charged?
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The one-off fee (if applicable) for a Split Purchase will be charged to your Mox Credit when the Split Purchase is set up by Mox.

What happens to my credit limit for Mox Credit when a Split Purchase is approved?
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Your credit limit for Mox Credit does not change.

In the Mox app, the total amount of all monthly instalments for the Split Purchase is reflected in the ‘Credit borrowed’ amount.

What happens to my credit limit for Mox Credit when a Split Purchase is set up?
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Your credit limit for Mox Credit does not change.

The one-off fee (if applicable) for the Split Purchase is charged to Mox Credit.

In the Mox app, your ‘Credit spent’ amount increases and ‘Available to spend’ amount decreases by the amount of the one-off fee.

What happens to my credit limit for Mox Credit when a monthly instalment is charged to my Mox Credit?
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Your credit limit for Mox Credit does not change.

The monthly instalment for the Split Purchase is charged to Mox Credit.

In the Mox app, your ‘Credit spent’ amount increases and ‘Credit borrowed’ amount decreases by the amount of the monthly instalment.

When will my Split Purchase monthly instalments be charged and billed?
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The first monthly instalment will be charged to your Mox Credit 1 month after the Split Purchase is set up. Subsequent instalments will be charged the same day every month.

Each monthly instalment will be billed to your Mox Credit statement like any other Mox Credit transaction.

Where can I view my monthly instalments?
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You can click into your Mox Credit account details page in the Mox app, or click into ‘View statements’ to look at your monthly instalments in your historical Mox Credit statements.

What is the minimum and maximum number of months for a Split Purchase I can select?
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The minimum number of months allowed for a Split Purchase is 3 months and the maximum number is 60 months.

What fees will I be charged when my Split Purchase is set up?
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We will charge you an one-off fee (if applicable) when a Split Purchase is approved and set up.

We also charge monthly fees (on the principal loan amount for the Split Purchase).

You will see all applicable fees and charges for a Split Purchase on the confirmation page before you confirm your Split Purchase application in the Mox app.

The applicable fees and charges will differ for each Split Purchase according to different factors (for example, Split Purchase amount, number of months for the Split Purchase).

You can see the interest, fees and charges applicable to Split Purchase on the Split Purchase Key Facts Statement.

Will I be charged interest for a Split Purchase?
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Yes, the interest amount for a Split Purchase is reflected in the monthly fee.

You won’t be charged additional interest on your Split Purchase if you pay your Mox Credit statement in full on or before the payment due date each month. If you fail to pay your Mox Credit statement balance in full, or if you only pay the minimum amount due shown therein, on or before the payment due date of that Mox Credit statement, we will charge you interest on the outstanding monthly principal repayment amount portion of the monthly instalment for that month as set out in the Mox Credit Key Facts Statement.

How do I pay for my Split Purchase one-off fee and monthly instalments?
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Split Purchase monthly instalments and the one-off fee (if applicable) are charged to your Mox Credit and included in your monthly Mox Credit statement like a typical Mox Credit transaction.

Therefore, you can simply pay your Mox Credit statement balance in full on or before the due date each month to pay for your Split Purchase because your one-off fee (if applicable) and each monthly instalment will be billed to your Mox Credit statement.

See our Mox Credit FAQs on how to pay for Mox Credit.

Can I request to pay my entire Split Purchase early?
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Yes, but only after your first monthly instalment has been charged to Mox Credit.

Please note we only accept early repayment of an entire Split Purchase, which includes the monthly principal repayment amount portion of the remaining monthly instalments, an early repayment fee and any interest that has accrued on your Split Purchase up to the date you request to pay your Split Purchase early. This amount will be charged to your Mox Credit if we allow you to pay your Split Purchase early and will be payable like a normal Mox Credit transaction.

What happens if monthly instalments for Split Purchases have been billed to my Mox Credit statement and I only pay my Mox Credit statement Minimum Amount Due on or before the by due date on the statement?
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If you only pay the minimum amount due shown therein, on or before the payment due date of that Mox Credit statement, we will charge you interest on the outstanding monthly principal repayment amount portion of the monthly instalment for that month as set out in the Mox Credit Key Facts Statement.

Please refer to Schedule 3 to our General terms and conditions for information on how we allocate your Mox Credit payments.

How can I close my Split Purchase?
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Your Split Purchase will close automatically when you have no remaining unpaid monthly instalments. Alternatively, you can close your Split Purchase early by requesting to repay it in full (but only after your first monthly instalment has been charged to Mox Credit and subject to early repayment fee).

What if I have difficulty in the repayment?
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If you have any difficulty repaying any amount outstanding under an instalment loan product we provide to you (including Split Purchase, Instant Loan, Instant Clear and 0% Merchant Split Purchase), please let us know as soon as possible.

Instant Loan
What is Instant Loan?
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Instant Loan is a convenient way of taking cash from Mox Credit as it allows you to pay back the loan over a period between 3 and 60 months that is most suited to you.

You may want an Instant Loan on Mox Credit for various needs, such as paying your tax bill, doing home renovations, planning something for which you need cash in your account.

What is the minimum amount of an Instant Loan?
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HK$5,000 (and thereafter in multiples of the Hong Kong dollar amount as displayed in the Mox app when you apply for an Instant Loan).

What is the maximum amount of an Instant Loan?
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The maximum amount of an Instant Loan depends on the status of your Mox Credit. For example, your maximum Instant Loan amount will vary depending on factors such as your available credit limit on Mox Credit (we will always leave you a buffer of HKD3,000 on your Mox Credit “available to spend” after deducting the total repayment of your Instant Loan from your credit limit for Mox Credit to allow you to continue spending on Mox Credit) and the total of all monthly instalments for the Instant Loan.

Can I get an Instant Loan higher than my credit limit for Mox Credit?
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No, we currently only allow Instant Loans up to an amount that is less than your credit limit for Mox Credit.

How long do I have to repay the Instant Loan?
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You may choose any period from 3 to 60 months to repay your Instant Loan.

What will be the monthly instalment amount for my Instant Loan?
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The monthly instalment for your Instant Loan is calculated based on the monthly fee applicable to the principal amount of your Instant Loan, and the tenor of your Instant Loan.

You can see the monthly instalment for your selected Instant Loan amount and tenor in the Mox app.

How do I repay my Instant Loan monthly instalments?
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Instant Loan monthly instalments and the one-off fee are charged to your Mox Credit and included in your monthly Mox Credit statement like a typical Mox Credit transaction.

Therefore, you can simply pay your Mox Credit statement balance in full on or before the due date each month to pay for your Instant Loan monthly instalments because your one-off fee and each monthly instalment will be billed to your Mox Credit statement.

See our Mox Credit FAQs on how to pay for Mox Credit.

When will my Instant Loan instalment be payable?
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The first monthly instalment for your Instant Loan will be charged to your Mox Credit one month after the Instant Loan is approved (and was paid into your Mox Account). Subsequent monthly instalments will be charged to your Mox Credit the same day each month for the duration of the Instant Loan.

Each monthly instalment will be billed to your Mox Credit statement like any other Mox Credit transaction.

Where can I view my monthly instalments?
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You can click into your Mox Credit account details page in the Mox app, or click into ‘View statements’ to look at your monthly instalments in your historical Mox Credit statements.

What happens to my credit limit for Mox Credit when my Instant Loan is approved?
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Your credit limit for Mox Credit does not change.

The one-off fee for the Instant Loan is charged to Mox Credit.

In the Mox app, your ‘Credit spent’ amount increases and ‘Available to spend’ amount decreases by the amount of the one-off fee.

Where is my Instant Loan paid? Can it be paid to another bank account?
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Once your Instant Loan is approved, it is paid into your Mox Account.

You may transfer the Instant Loan amount to another Bank account using “transfer” function in the Mox app.

Why was my Instant Loan application declined?
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We evaluate each Instant Loan application carefully and provide a decision accordingly. There are a few common reasons that your Instant Loan application may be declined, including:

  • the total amount of the Instant Loan and the interest and fees applicable to it would exceed a buffer of HK$3,000 on your Mox Credit “available to spend” that we always leave to enable you to continue spending on Mox Credit;
  • your Mox Card or Mox Account is suspended or not in good standing.
What happens when the monthly instalments for an Instant Loan have been billed to my Mox Credit statement but I only pay my Mox Credit statement Minimum Amount Due on or before the statement due date?
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If you only pay the minimum amount due shown in your Mox Credit statement on or before its payment due date, we will charge you interest on the outstanding monthly principal repayment amount portion of the monthly instalment for that month as set out in the Mox Credit Key Facts Statement.

Please refer to Schedule 3 to our General terms and conditions for information on how we allocate your Mox Credit payments.

How can I close my Instant Loan?
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Your Instant Loan will close automatically when all monthly instalments have been charged to Mox Credit. Alternatively, you may close your Instant Loan early by using the “pay early and close” option.

Can I repay my Instant Loan before the end of the repayment period?
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Yes, you may choose to pay your Instant Loan early. An early repayment fee of 2% will apply to the aggregate monthly principal repayment amount(s) of your Instant Loan outstanding, and will be charged to your Mox Credit. You will also be charged any interest that has accrued on your Instant Loan up to the date you request to pay it early.

Can I repay my Instant Loan partially?
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No. We only accept early settlement of the full outstanding amount of an Instant Loan.

What if I have difficulty in the repayment?
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If you have any difficulty repaying any amount outstanding under an instalment loan product we provide to you (including Split Purchase, Instant Loan and Instant Clear), please let us know as soon as possible.

Instant Clear
What is Instant Clear?
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Instant Clear Credit Card Balance Transfer Plan, or more simply, Instant Clear is a convenient way of paying your outstanding credit card bills with other banks/ financial institutions using your Mox Credit, with such payments being repayable over a period between 3 and 60 months that is most suited to you.

What fees and interest do I have to pay for an Instant Loan?
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We will charge you a one-off fee when your Instant Loan is approved (and paid into your Mox Account).

We will also charge a monthly fee (on the principal amount of the Instant Loan).

You will see all applicable fees and charges for the Instant Loan you are applying for on the confirmation page before you confirm your Instant Loan application in the Mox app.

You can also see the interest, fees and charges applicable to an Instant Loan in the Instant Loan Key Facts Statement.

How to apply for an Instant Clear?
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Mox Credit customers can simply choose ‘Instant Clear’ under the ‘Credit’ tab on your Mox app and follow the steps to complete the application. When the bill payment is made to settle credit card bills with other banks/ financial insititutions, Instant Clear will be set up at the same time.

What other fees, charges and interest are applied to an Instant loan?
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Provided that you pay your Mox Credit statement balance in full on or before its due date each month, only the one-off fee and monthly fees are charged for an Instant Loan.

However, if you want to pay an Instant Loan early and close it, an early repayment fee will also apply.

You can see the interest, fees and charges applicable to an Instant Loan in the Instant Loan Key Facts Statement.

What is the maximum amount of an Instant Clear?
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The maximum amount of an Instant Clear depends on the status of your Mox Credit. For example, your maximum Instant Clear amount will vary depending on factors such as your available credit limit on Mox Credit and the total of all monthly instalments for the Instant Clear.

Can I get an Instant Clear higher than my credit limit for Mox Credit?
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No, we currently only allow Instant Clear up to an amount that is less than your credit limit for Mox Credit.

How long do I have to repay an Instant Clear?
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You may choose any period from 3 to 60 months to repay the Instant Clear.

Am I eligible to apply for an Instant Clear if I am unemployed / retired / a student?
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You can apply for an Instant Clear if you have Mox Credit. If there is a change in your personal circumstances, you should update them in the Mox app.

How long does it take to approve an Instant Clear application?
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Most of the time you’ll receive a decision on an Instant Clear application instantly. We will either tell you your application has been approved or rejected.

Am I required to upload documents to apply for an Instant Clear?
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No, Instant Clear applications are either approved or declined based on information you have already provided us.

Why was my Instant Clear application declined?
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We evaluate each Instant Clear application carefully and provide a decision accordingly. There are a few common reasons as to why your Instant Clear application may be declined, for example:

  • the total amount of the Instant Clear and the interest and fees applicable to it would exceed your Mox Credit ‘available to spend’; and
  • your Mox Card or Mox Account is suspended or not in good standing.
Can I change the credit account to be paid, Instant Clear amount or the number of months for the Instant Clear after I have submitted my application?
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No, you cannot change the credit card account to be paid, the Instant Clear amount or the number of months to repay it after you have submitted your application. Your application will be approved or rejected based on the loan amount and number of months you have applied for.

We recommend that you carefully go through the details of the Instant Clear you are applying for on the ‘confirmation page’ before submitting your application.

You may however:

  • apply for another Instant Clear if you need; or
  • repay an Instant Clear early to close it (subject to an early repayment fee).
How many active Instant Clears can I have at the same time?
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You can only have a maximum of five loans across all of our Instant Loan, Split Purchase and Instant Clear products, active at the same time.

If you have exceeded the above limit but would like to apply for another Instant Clear, you will need to repay one of your existing Instant Loans or Split Purchases or Instant Clears early to close such loan before you apply for another Instant Clear.

What will be the monthly instalment amount for an Instant Clear?
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The monthly instalment for an Instant Clear is calculated based on the monthly fee applicable to the principal amount of that Instant Clear, and the tenor of that Instant Clear.

You can see the monthly instalment amount for an Instant Clear and its tenor in the Mox app.

How do I repay Instant Clear monthly instalments?
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The monthly instalments and the one-off fee (if applicable) for each Instant Clear are charged to your Mox Credit and included in your monthly Mox Credit statement like a typical Mox Credit transaction.

Therefore, you can simply pay your Mox Credit statement balance in full on or before the due date each month to pay for the Instant Clear monthly instalments.

See our Mox Credit FAQs on how to pay for Mox Credit.

What fees and interest do I have to pay for an Instant Clear?
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We will charge you a one-off fee when an Instant Clear is approved (if applicable).

We will also charge a monthly fee (on the principal amount of the Instant Clear).

You will see all applicable fees and charges for the Instant Clear you are applying for on the confirmation page before you confirm your Instant Clear application in the Mox app.

You can also see the interest, fees and charges applicable to Instant Clears in the Instant Clear Credit Card Balance Transfer Plan Key Facts Statement.

What other fees, charges and interest are applied toan Instant Clear?
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Provided that you pay your Mox Credit statement balance in full on or before its due date each month, only the one-off fee (if applicable) and monthly fees will apply for the Instant Clear.

However, if you want to pay an Instant Clear early and close it, an early repayment fee will also apply.

You can see the interest, fees and charges applicable to Instant Clears in the Instant Clear Credit Card Balance Transfer Plan Key Facts Statement.

How can I close an Instant Clear?
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An Instant Clear will close automatically when all monthly instalments of that Instant Clear have been charged to Mox Credit. Alternatively, you may close an Instant Clear early by using the ‘pay early and close’ option.

Can I repay an Instant Clear before the end of the repayment period?
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Yes, you may choose to pay an Instant Clear early. An early repayment fee of 2% will apply to the aggregate monthly principal repayment amount(s) of the Instant Clear outstanding, and will be charged to your Mox Credit. You will also be charged any interest that has accrued on the Instant Clear up to the date you request to pay it early.

Can I repay an Instant Clear partially?
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No, we only accept early settlement of the full outstanding amount of an Instant Clear.

0% Merchant Split Purchase
What is 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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0% Merchant Split Purchase allows you to complete a Mox Credit transaction at designated merchants with no fees and interest-free monthly instalments.

What is the difference between 0% Merchant Split Purchase and Split Purchase?
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When you pay for an eligible Mox Credit transaction with 0% Merchant Split Purchase at designated merchants, you can pay in zero-fee and zero-interest instalments.

As for Split Purchase(s), once a Split Purchase is approved and set up, a one-off fee and the monthly instalment will be charged to your Mox Credit statement.

When do I apply for 0% Merchant Split Purchase for my eligible Mox Credit transaction?
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If you want to pay for an eligible Mox Credit transaction of HKD400 or more in zero-fee and zero-interest instalments, you may apply for 0% Merchant Split Purchase at the point of sale at designated merchants.

Once your 0% Merchant Split Purchase is approved by us and has been set up, the relevant details will be displayed in the Mox app.

What are the costs of a 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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There are no interest or fees applicable to eligible Mox Credit transactions settled by 0% Merchant Split Purchase. If you pay in accordance with the repayment schedule in your Mox Credit statement, there would be no other costs. However, if you choose to repay a 0% Merchant Split Purchase early, you will incur a 2% early repayment fee of the outstanding amount of your 0% Merchant Split Purchase, and will be charged to your Mox Credit.

You can find our 0% Merchant Split Purchase Key Facts Statement on the ‘About us’ page in the Mox app and the ‘Legal documents’ section of our website.

Is there a minimum transaction amount in order to enjoy 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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HK$400, but some designated merchants may require a higher minimum amount. Please check with the designated merchant on the minimum transaction amount required to enjoy 0% Merchant Split Purchase.

Do I earn CashBack when I spend on 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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You can earn 1% unlimited CashBack on your 0% Merchant Split Purchases. Other CashBack promotions (including those that offer higher CashBack Rates) are currently not applicable to your 0% Merchant Split Purchases.

Do I need Mox Credit for 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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Yes, 0% Merchant Split Purchases are only available on eligible Mox Credit transactions at designated merchants.

Are all Mox Credit transactions eligible for 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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No, please refer to Part D of Schedule 3 to our General Terms and Conditions for examples of ineligible and eligible Mox Credit transactions for 0% Merchant Split Purchase.

Why would my 0% Merchant Split Purchase be declined?
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We evaluate each 0% Merchant Split Purchase spending carefully and provide a decision accordingly. There are a few common reasons that your 0% Merchant Split Purchase may be declined, including that:

  • the total amount of the eligible Mox Credit transaction and the 0% Merchant Split Purchase, if approved, would exceed your credit limit for Mox Credit; or

  • your Mox Card or Mox Account is suspended or not in good standing.

Can I have multiple 0% Merchant Split Purchases active at the same time? Is there any limit?
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Yes, currently there are no limits to how many 0% Merchant Split Purchases you can have active at the same time.

Can I use the 'Flip' feature on my active 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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Yes. Your Mox Card will be linked to your Mox Account, and the 0% Merchant Split Purchase monthly instalments (including any automatic payments previously set up by you on Mox Credit) will still be charged to your statement.

Refer to the Mox Credit FAQ to understand how to access the ‘Flip’ feature.

Can I request to repay my entire 0% Merchant Split Purchase early?
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Yes, but only after your first monthly instalment has been charged to Mox Credit.

Please note we only accept early repayment of the entire 0% Merchant Split Purchase, which includes the remaining monthly instalments and an early repayment fee. We do not allow partial early repayment of the 0% Merchant Split Purchase. This amount will be charged to your Mox Credit if we allow you to repay your 0% Merchant Split Purchase early and will be payable like any other Mox Credit transaction.

Can I cancel my Mox Account or Mox Credit before my 0% Merchant Split Purchase is fully repaid?
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You have to repay the aggregate of all remaining monthly instalments and any other applicable interest, fees and charges for any 0% Merchant Split Purchase, Split Purchases or Instant Loans immediately, and pay an early repayment fee before closing your Mox Account or Mox Credit.

Can I return, exchange or trade in any goods or services purchased under 0% Merchant Split Purchase?
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You should directly liaise with the relevant merchant for any return, exchange or trade-in arrangements for the goods or services purchased with 0% Merchant Split Purchase. Any paid instalments you have paid to us will not be refunded.